Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wednesday December 30 - friend in the gum tree

A kookaburra sat in the gumtree, on a far left branch.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

December 22 2009, Tony Francavilla - Emily's Bakery

Tony Francavilla is one of my local bakers.  Daily he gives out free bread and cakes to customers as goodwill.  I recently asked Tony for a job, but nothing was going.  When I went to buy some bread, Tony asked me if I'd found work and what did I do for a profession.  When I told him I write, he gave me some free rolls and scones, and exclaimed, "You have to look after the writers!"

I explained Tony's care for a struggling writer to one of my closest friends 'The Wholesome Traveller', whose parents are from Latvia.  'The Wholesome Traveller' has travelled around the world and explained to me that in Europe the culture supports creative people as the Europeans understand that the creative souls are essential for nourishing and developing their society and culture.

So maybe Tony's shop is an entry point for goodwill and a caring attitude towards us creative people...or maybe it's a dancefloor? 

Emily's Bakery
Macedon Road
9850 7606

Monday, December 21, 2009

December 21, 2009 - Bells Beach Australia

These series of photos were taken at first light.
I pulled my car up as the sun rose,
on the coastline between two surf breaks -
Winkipop and Boobs, both to the east of the famous Bells Beach.

A pleasant, startling interlude to my drive,
in the search for waves.

I ended up surfing at Jan Juc
in head high waves,
with about ten other surfers.
I spoke to some young grommets
and a man who like myself
has permanent holiday accomodation
on the surf coast, but had to drive
back to Melbourne to be at work by 9am.
We met as I needed help doing up the
zip on my wetsuit.

All my local surfer friends comment
how warm the water is,
on the next 30 degree day
I think we might attack the surf in our boardshorts!